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  • Nick Popiel


Updated: Oct 6, 2022

Ideally try to do core 2x/week, and Cardio 4x/week. If you can do more than that, great!


x-country skiing, snowshoeing, cycle trainer, rower, treadmill, running, jump-rope or also really effective to keep the Cardio is HIIT TRAINING, High Intensity Interval Training


Try to do this every other day or alternate cardio one day, and core the next. Choose whatever cardio you like.

Try Out Some Of These!

Try to do this every other day or alternate cardio one day, and core the next. Choose whatever cardio you like.

3 Cardio examples + 1 Core

Cardio 1

4 x 360*round lunges

30 Jumping Jacks

10 and 5 squats/jump

60 sec mountain climbers

10 push ups

25 Burpees

10 push ups

60 second mountain climbers

10 and 5 Squats/jump

30 Jumping Jacks

4 x 360* lunges

Calf raises (L/R/Double – 10 each)

Cardio 2 – Jump Rope

30 seconds (easy)

30 seconds (fast)

Rest for 30

60 seconds (easy)

60 seconds (build easy to fast)

Rest for 60

3mins alternating 30 easy/30fast

Take a 5min break and repeat

Cardio 3

Could be running or cycling or cross country skiing either indoor or outdoor

5min easy jog

5 x 1min sprint/1min easy

5min easy jog

Core – 2 x

10 push-ups/5 narrow

Plank – 90 second

15 V-Up roll-ups

20 alternating leg kicks

10 push-ups/5 narrow

15 0’s15 Crushers

20 mountain climbers

*rest 30 secs between each exercise and repeat*

More links to great dry land resources:

Dryland Exercises (link to PDF)

Yoga Videos It might not be your "cup of tea”, however, some of you might really like it; I do it quite often, when I have the time.

Additional dryland exercises/routines:

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